This program is an opportunity for fresh graduates or senior-year students looking to dive headfirst into the world of mobile app development. We know how hard it can be to break into the industry, so we've designed this program to offer our fresh talents a kickstart.

Our New Grad Program will allow our newest joiners to work alongside our experienced teams and become one of their true members. This will provide them with valuable insights into the ins and outs of the mobile app industry. From technical and competency-based training to discovering the latest trends and technologies, we’ve got it all covered, parallel to the tasks and responsibilities to own and manage.

With our New Grad Program, consisting of personalized mentorship, and 1-on-1 meetings, the joiners will have the opportunity to improve their skills and expand their knowledge base at the start of their journey.

At the HubX New Grad Program, where everyone around Turkey can apply, we plan to offersectoral know-how and technical knowledge to make this industry grow and glow together.

We are more than excited to share our passion with young, talented people who feel the same way.

If you're a recent grad and ready to join a our team, head over to to get all the details on the program and apply now!

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